Numa das muitas conversas à volta dos trabalhos que vão sendo comentados nas aulas surgiu uma referência a Wittgenstein que percebi desconhecerem. Aqui ficam alguns dados:
Considered by some to be the greatest philosopher of the 20th century, Ludwig Wittgenstein played a central, if controversial, role in 20th-century analytic philosophy. He continues to influence current philosophical thought in topics as diverse as logic and language, perception and intention, ethics and religion, aesthetics and culture. There are two commonly recognized stages of Wittgenstein's thought — the early and the later — both of which are taken to be pivotal in their respective periods. The early Wittgenstein is epitomized in his Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. By showing the application of modern logic to metaphysics, via language, he provided new insights into the relations between world, thought and language and thereby into the nature of philosophy. It is the later Wittgenstein, mostly recognized in the Philosophical Investigations, who took the more revolutionary step in critiquing all of traditional philosophy including its climax in his own early work. The nature of his new philosophy is heralded as anti-systematic through and through, yet still conducive to genuine philosophical understanding of traditional problems.
Do Tratado Lógico Filosófico:
"do que não se pode falar é melhor calar-se"
"É óbvio que um mundo imaginado, por muito diferente que seja do real, tem que ter “algo” -uma forma - em comum com o real
Esta forma consiste precisamente em objectos
Espaço, tempo e cor (coloração) são formas dos objectos
A configuração dos objectos forma o estado de coisas
O modo e a maneira como os objectos estão em conexão num estado de coisas, é a estrutura do estado de coisas
A totalidade dos estados de coisas que existem é o mundo
A existência e a não existência de estados de coisas é a realidade."
Wittgenstein estendeu o seu pensamento à materialização da arquitectura, projectando uma casa para a sua irmã:
The door handles took a year to design. The radiators took another. And then the ceiling had to be raised - by a few millimetres.
The house that Ludwig built was not cosy. Wittgenstein forbade carpets and curtains. Rooms were to be lit by naked bulbs, and door handles and radiators were left unpainted. The floors were of grey-black polished stone, the walls of light ochre.
The Wittgenstein House, in the unfashionable and ugly-sounding Kundmanngasse in Vienna, was a stark cubic lump devoid of any external decoration. In this, the house the philosopher designed was true to the architectural principles of Wittgenstein's close friend Adolf Loos, who once wrote a paper called Ornament and Crime, in which he argued that the suppression of decoration was necessary for regulating passion.
The villa built in 1925 by the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein for his sister, Margarethe Stonborough-Wittgenstein, expresses a vision in search of form perfection outside styles and time. The house clearly illustrates the principle of conceptual quest, a rigorous and often restless (however cold and iconoclast) quest for truth in art, as opposed to a sensual and formal approach.
„You probably imagine that philosophy is complicated enough, but let me tell you, this is nothing compared to the hardship of being a good architect. Back when I was building the house for my sister in Vienna I was so exhausted at the end of the day that the only thing I was still able to do was to go every evening to the cinema."
Fotografias do exterior em :
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