...architecture and its details are in some way all part of biology.
Perhaps they are, for instance, like some big salmon or trout.
They are not born fully grown; they are not even born in the sea or water where they normally live.
They are born hundreds of miles away from their home grounds,
where the rivers narrow to tiny streams, in clear rivulets between the fells,
in the first drops of water from the melting ice,
as remote from their normal life as human emotion and instinct are from our everyday work.
Excerpted from “The Trout and the Stream” (1947) in Goran Schildt, ed., Alvar Aalto in His Own Words
(New York: Rizzoli, 1997), trans. Timothy Binham, pp. 108-109.
1 comentário:
é de facto uma analogia muito bonita e faz todo o sentido.realça a ideia de essência, a fonte do processo de criação. Penso que a emoção e a memória fazem parte dessa fonte.
Inês Didelet
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